Szkolenie w Portugalii dla osób pracujących z młodzieżą
Data i miejsce: 19-31 maja 2024, Fermentelos (ok. 80 km od Porto)
Organizator: DCTR – Associação Cultural [Portugalia]
Partnerzy: Dom Kultury KADR [Polska], Grecja, Rumunia, Północna Macedonia, Bułgaria, Turcja, Estonia, Cypr
Finansowanie: Erasmus+
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With globalization, new markets and economies have grown and remain at an accelerated pace and in constant change. This scenario of uncertainty and change brings new challenges, demanding from people more and more soft skills such as the ability to work in a team, creativity, and flexibility. Therefore, it is crucial to first train those who will, in turn, provide young people with the tools necessary to develop creativity. Therefore, DCTR designed a project that aims to empower youth technicians, enhancing the quality of youth work and, consequently, the quality of skills that young people will acquire. By participating in this TC, youth workers are expected to understand, in the first instance, what creativity is. Subsequently, knowing that creativity can be trained, the objective will be to understand the need to enhance its development among young people’s education agents, so that they are able to empower young people. Finally, youth workers will plan activities and sessions, deconstructing others that already exist, using more creative methods, which make learning more efficient and attractive.
Three participants for each partner country. We give preference to youth workers that aren’t experienced in youth work in general or that are participating for the first time in an Erasmus+ project (even if they have a lot of experience in the field). Also, if you can involve teachers from formal education, it could also be a way, for them, to learn more attractive and engaging tools to implement with their students. Ideally, the profiles of the youth workers should be complementary.
Online meetings: one online meetings before the TC with the Group Leaders and one online meeting with the whole group, the TC itself and an online meeting after the TC.
Follow-up questionnaire: about one month after the TC ends (impact that the project had on youngsters’ daily lives).
Dissemination activity: after the TC, each group of each country (or each individual, if the youngsters prefer), should implement one dissemination activity.
Important! After TC the participants should implement the dissemination activities that they planned in the TC itself. So it’s important that they can start thinking about it right from the beginning.
A final video and booklet of the project in which we leave some tips for non-participants to know how to enhance their creative skills and some of the examples of the sessions designed in this Training Course.